Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 03/28/2025 07:00:04 pm


Mostly Cloudy


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (S)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

06:56 AM

Sun Set

07:26 PM

Day Length

12:30 Hours


2 min 34 sec gain

Moon Rise

06:29 AM

Moon Set

06:47 PM

Next: New Moon

Mar 29,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Crescent

Average Low



Average High
Record Low




Record High

October 24 Improving This Afternoon Monday Warming Then Storming


Sunday October 24

Big changes are on the way with the weather, and perhaps with the leaves around you.  If you recall last week I expected frost this morning. That is not the case, as we have clouds and some rain showers with a disturbance. That will pass through with a few showers, but improving this afternoon.

We are in the track of those Pacific Storms reaching us ever couple of days…

Headlines Ahead:

  • Today: Early Showers, Better Afternoon. 
  • Monday: Warmer Then Evening Strong/Severe Storm
  • Tuesday: Windy And Cooler
  • Thursday: Rain Late
  • Friday: Stormy


Morning Surface Weather

A disturbance this morning will swing through, then we get a break before storms arrive late Monday.



Morning Temperatures 


Radar Simulation: Noon

A cluster of rain showers is expected to pass through mid day, then improve this afternoon. 


Afternoon Temperatures 

These numbers will be close to seasonal averages for this date.





Weather Almanac: Climate Data

TODAY October 24

Normal Low in Baltimore:  43ºF

Record 25ºF in 1969 *Coldest on record for month


Normal High in Baltimore: 64ºF

Record 82º F 2001


Also See:

Fall Foliage Report Oct 22

NOAA Winter Outlook- But Read The Fine Print

Signals For Early Start To Winter In November

Winter Outlook Series: La Nina Double Dip

Full Hunter’s Moon May Appear Full For 3 Nights

Waterspout Among Top 10 Storm Photos Saturday


Temperatures Temperatures 




This will be the only warm day during the work week.



Severe Storm Outlook


Snapshot Monday Evening

Trying to time this line in our region. Timing may play a role in the potential for severe storms, or losing some punch if it is too late after sunset. 


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Animation: Storm Track Monday-Wednesday 

Tracking this system for a few days will swing a band of rain/storms our way after dark Monday, then switch the winds into Wednesday turning us much cooler. 




Snapshot Wednesday Morning

If this Low Pressure develops and stalls over New England, it will enhance the cool winds and lingering showers for us.




Storm Animation:

Looking Ahead
Thursday to 

The next storm will be stronger hitting the west coast, and for us as well. The timing is the hard part as it will be racing across the US.  Here it looks like arrival Thursday evening/night… Lasting into the start of the weekend. 

The main ‘rain day’ for us will be Friday.

Look closely and you might see a spot of blue in West Virginia. There may be the first snow observed at Snowshoe, and elevations over 4,000 Ft.



7 Day Forecast

Monday will be a brief warm up, then the week will be dominated by a few storms and progressively cooler air.



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Please share your thoughts, best weather pics/video, or just keep in touch via social media

Facebook: Justin Berk, Meteorologist

Twitter: @JustinWeather

Instagram: justinweather


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