Hunter’s Moon May Look Full For Three Nights
Tuesday October 19 2021
Do you remember when we had a week straight with clouds? Yeah, let’s forget about that, because the opposite weather is here now. Nearly a perfect clear sky should remain, timing out perfectly or viewing this full moon appearing very round for the next three evenings.
Special Full Moon
The Hunter’s Moon is the full moon of October. This was named because it provided extra light at night for hunters gathering food to follow the harvest and get ready for winter. The extra light spans a few nights.
Where To Look
Almost Due East! The timing in our region will range from 6:15 PM east to 7 PM west this evening.
For all, this will be very nearly in the same location as where sunrise occurs. But for simplicity, track where the sun sets and put your back to it. The moon will rise in front of you.
If you have buildings, hills, or trees in your way, you may not see it for minutes or even half an hour later.
May Appear Orange When It Rises
This may be where The Great Pumpkin myth came from. A rising moon may appear orange when there is high humidity or pollution in the air. However, it can also appear orange when the light passes through more of the atmosphere.

Supermoon Rising in Southern Maryland Nov 13, 2016 Beth Williams Phifer
More Nights Looking Full
The orbit of the moon around Earth results in a change of 13º across the sky each day. That translates to it rising 50 minutes later.
During this time of year, the orbit is more elliptical, resulting in what appears to be a slow down.
What that means for us, is less of a change. The official Full Moon will occur at 10:57 AM EDT. But for us, three evenings in a row the moon rise will occur very close to sunset and APPEAR to be Full.
Timing The Full Hunters Moon
(reference to (Baltimore)
Reminder: You can see the moon phase and timing for rise and set in the ‘Current’s Tab on your right —->
Tuesday Oct 19
- Moonrise 6:14 PM
- Illumination = 98.48%
Wednesday Oct 20
- Moonrise 6:37 PM
- *23 minutes later
- Illumination = 99.9%
Thursday Oct 21
- Moonrise 7:03 PM
- *26 minutes later
- Illumination = 99.23%
Moon Calendars
Full Moon will occur on the 20th at 10:57 AM EDT
Planning Ahead:
Full Beaver Moon will occur on the 19th at 3:58 AM EDT
Full Cold Moon will occur on the 18th at 11:56 PM EDT
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