Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 01/18/2025 12:20:02 am


Mostly Cloudy


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (VRB)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:22 AM

Sun Set

05:11 PM

Day Length

09:49 Hours


1 min 34 sec gain

Moon Rise

10:11 PM

Moon Set

10:00 AM

Next: Last Quarter

Jan 21,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Gibbous

Average Low



Average High
Record Low




Record High

Fall Foliage Report And Outlook November 5 To Smile About

Frost and Freeze
Fall Foliage

November 5 2021

It’s been two weeks since I updated on the leaf peeping in our region, but we were dealing with Nor’easter last week. Thankfully that did not affect the foliage. However, thee following hard freezes and frosts have.

Before we get started, I’ve been wanting to show you this really neat fall display that took years to mature. 

Smiley Face in Oregon

In 2011 Hampton Lumber created this in 2011 during a reforestation project.  This is actually conifer trees, not like the maples or others we get in the east.  Here they mixed Douglass Fir and Larch on a mountain side. The needles turn yellow and drop in the Autumn. 

The result is this smiley face, that brings smiles to many faces.  It is expected to stay around for a few more decades until ready for harvest. 

Video from The Oregonian 

Between Willomina and Grande Ronde Oregon.



Back Home: 

Nearing Peak Color

I went on a walk earlier this week with my boys. I drove them up to Lake Redman, which is off of I-83 in York County. 

This photo was the most popular… I collected all of these leaves from the same tree.  I still find it amazing to see almost a full spectrum at once in a few special spots. 



Maryland Report

The Department of Natural Resources is indicating:

Peak color in central Maryland. The hard freeze this week may have dulled some of the color, but the areas by the water and south with just frost on a few mornings may have accelerated the changing while keeping them brighter. 

Near Peak Southern Maryland and the middle oaf the Easter Shore is getting there. This includes Kent, County.

Midpoint: This means some trees have turned, but you can see most are about to get there. I think this will be accelerating thanks to the frosty mornings. This includes  Queen Annes, Talbot, and Caroline this weekend. 

Just Changing: The Lower Eastern Shore. Again, with some recent frosty mornings, the color should start to turn quickly. 


More of my Photo Collection earlier this week.



Live Deep Creek Web Cam – From Railey Realty

Here’s a look at a live web came from Railey on Deep Creek Lake. The water holds heat longer, so there may be more color in other parts of the county.

This web cam is located at The Greene Turtle Deep Creek Lake. It will pivot to show Wisp Resort, including a zoomed-in view of Squirrel Cage, The Face, the terrain park, Boulder, the mountain coaster, the tubing park and a shot of McHenry Cove at Deep Creek Lake!



Sunlight Change –>

If you have not noticed , you are on a NEW UPGRADED version of my website. On the right, there is a tab for ‘Current Conditions’.  If yo tap then, and then tap the Sun section, you will see more info including the daily change/loss of daylight. 



Pennsylvania Leaf Report

This color legend is different than Maryland. 

The best color is still in the south central and southern part of the state. So if you want hills to enhance the viewing, a short drive north may be the way to go this weekend. 



West Virginia Leaf Report

Division of Forestry provides this average map for expectations.

“Color has been slower to peak in West Virginia this year, resulting in some beautiful fall foliage remaining through early November. The higher elevations in the eastern mountains are past peak, but colorful foliage can still be found throughout the other eight travel regions. Much of the state is expected to peak over the next week or two, so this weekend marks a great opportunity to see peak color before the leaves drop.”


Take a scenic drive through the Northern Panhandle

This week’s featured drive connects the Northern Panhandle cities of Moundsville and Wheeling on the Ohio River, where color is at peak. Start at U.S. 250 in Moundsville then follow W.Va. 88 north to Wheeling.





Now Skyline Drive is at peak now



Virginia Department of Forestry

“November 3, 2021

The colors may have arrived late this year, but the temperatures and the foliage leave no doubt that autumn is here now. Almost anywhere you travel in Virginia this week, you’ll find a beautiful mix of colors – and maybe even a dusting of snow in the high mountains of southwest Virginia. The Blue Ridge and Ridge and Valley regions are at the peak of coloration or just past it, and much of the Piedmont is nearing peak. Always late to the party, oaks are now adding their autumn finery to the backdrop of maples, hickories, and yellow-poplars. In the Coastal Plain, look for the multicolored leaves of sweetgum in hues of red, orange, yellow, and burgundy.”


Average Peak Leaf Times

Yes, we are about 2 weeks late this year




Explore More

Average First Frost and Freeze Dates


Also See

Northern Lights On Display in New England This Week




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Comparing 4 Different Farmer’s Almanacs: Majority colder winter outlook than NOAA


NOAA Winter Outlook- But Read The Fine Print


Signals For Early Start To Winter In November


Winter Outlook Series: La Nina Double Dip


Nor’easters May Give Hint For Winter La Nina Pattern


Winter Folklore Checklist



Faith in the Flakes Gear





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