Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 01/22/2025 12:10:03 pm


Mostly Sunny


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (N)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:20 AM

Sun Set

05:16 PM

Day Length

09:56 Hours


1 min 44 sec gain

Moon Rise

01:10 AM

Moon Set

11:26 AM

Next: New Moon

Jan 29,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Crescent

Average Low



Average High
Record Low




Record High

Fall Foliage Report And Outlook October 22

Fall Foliage

October 22 2021

Here we go!  Parts of our region are in peak leaf color now!  Inland suburbs and the piedmont are approaching fast. This is the time of year when a change will be noticeable daily. It may start with one tree, or a pocket, but the color is expanding in a hurry.

This latest cold front had brought a chilly, and some added clouds to the Friday afternoon sky. This combination helps the break down of chlorophyll, which lets the colors shine on.

Temperatures will continue to cool over the weekend, with the potential of inland frost on Sunday morning and 40s in the cities.  Next week most of us should be in the two week peak of transition. 

Near Peak Color

Deep Creek Lake- By Wisp Ski Resort

I always see leaves turning in the mountains and think of a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. I was informed it might be more like Trix. 

Either way, this is a TREAT!


Maryland Report

The Department of Natural Resources is indicating:

Peak color in the mountains of western Maryland west of Sideling Hill. 

Near Peak between Hagerstown and Frederick.  This is more likely on the hills and north facing, less sun regions. Cities will lag behind a little, where it is warmer and gets more sun. They should be at peak during the week.

Midpoint: This means some trees have turned, but you can see most are about to get there. These can flip the switch seemingly overnight. So watch closely.

Just Changing: Souther Maryland and around the Bay on Delmarva.

Lower Eastern Shore – No color, or obvious color yet. Give it another 10 days or so. 




Deep Creek Web Cam – From Railey Realty

Here’s a look at a live web came from Railey on Deep Creek Lake. The water holds heat longer, so there may be more color in other parts of the county.

This web cam is located at The Greene Turtle Deep Creek Lake. It will pivot to show Wisp Resort, including a zoomed-in view of Squirrel Cage, The Face, the terrain park, Boulder, the mountain coaster, the tubing park and a shot of McHenry Cove at Deep Creek Lake!

Sunlight Change

If you have not noticed , you are on a NEW UPGRADED version of my website. On the right, there is a tab for ‘Current Conditions’.  If yo tap then, and then tap the Sun section, you will see more info including the daily change/loss of daylight. 



Pennsylvania Leaf Report

This color legend is different than Maryland. 

Here we go! A short drive across southern PA and you will see plenty of color in Adams, York, and Lancaster) counties.  The next 10 days will see the peak here!



West Virginia Leaf Report

Division of Forestry provides this average map for expectations.

“Color is still increasing throughout most of West Virginia, so there is plenty of time left to see beautiful color this season,” said Department of Tourism Secretary Chelsea Ruby. “Due to the slow start to color this year, we have a few more weeks of leaf peeping on the horizon, so be sure to plan your trip and take beautiful photos using #AlmostHeaven along the way.”

WV Fall Foliage Update

The higher elevations in Tucker, Grant and Pendleton counties are past peak, but some color remains in the lower elevations. Color is still approaching its peak in Randolph County, with the most scenic areas being Kumbrabow State Forest, the Swiss mountain town of Helvetia, and along the Cheat River. Color is starting to show in the New River Gorge and the higher elevations of Braxton, Nicholas, Pocahontas and Webster counties, as well as the surrounding region.

Click here for the Live Leaf Map





Virginia Department of Forestry

Continued warm temperatures have given a slow start to this year’s foliage season, but this week it finally feels like fall! Look for major color changes in the coming week as a result of the cool nights.

High elevations of Southwest Virginia and the Alleghenies are approaching peak coloration, dominated by the orange and red shades of maples. Along the Blue Ridge and in the Shenandoah Valley, you’ll see patchy colors on a matrix of green. There’s still a lot of green in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain, but eye-catching reds and yellows appear along roadways and in urban landscape trees.



Click the map for the Virginia Report.



Forecast: Mid Atlantic

Assuming normal conditions, this is the expectation of leaf color change into early October. 

Things that can change could be a large rain and or wind event. 

Week Of October 25



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Autumnal Equinox and Fall Facts

NOAA Winter Outlook- But Read The Fine Print

Signals For Early Start To Winter In November

Winter Outlook Series: La Nina Double Dip

NEW Winter Weather Page



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