Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 01/08/2025 01:50:02 pm


Mostly Cloudy


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (W)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:25 AM

Sun Set

05:01 PM

Day Length

09:36 Hours


1 min 6 sec gain

Moon Rise

12:21 PM

Moon Set

01:55 AM

Next: Full Moon

Jan 13,2025

Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous

Average Low



Average High
Record Low



Record High

Flash Freeze Timeline Friday Plus High Wind And Chill Advisories

ice storm
Winter Weather

December 22 

Thursday Evening Update

Now we get to narrow in on Part 2 of this storm. The winter event that has been advertised all week should live up to expectations. I can’t overstate this, so I hope the weather maps help tell the story. This is not hype or hyperbole. We truly expect a Flash Freeze along with extreme cold, high winds, and dangerously low wind chills.

This is a perfect storm of sorts for Christmas holiday traveling.  Some still have their last day of school, while others are racing to do late holiday shopping, and many just want to leave town for the long weekend. In short, simply wait until afternoon. I know some schools that were scheduled have canceled early. 

I should add that the Ravens are playing on Saturday, and it will be painful. The weather, I hope not the score!  Cold air and strong winds will last into the weekend. 

Bomb Cyclone:

10 PM Thu to 10 PM Fri

If you missed my explanation in a prior post, this is a legitimate term and on display. Low Pressure is dropping MORE THAN 24 mb in 24 hours. That results in a Wind Machine which we will feel as it funnels arctic air to the Atlantic Coast!

Below I will highlight the Two Alert Maps, then share some notes, my new Winter Profile Maps, followed by all the weather maps to help show how this will play out. 

December 22 winter storm bomb cyclone


Wind Advisory and High Wind Warning 

Yes, Winds may reach 50 mph in metro areas.

Up to 70 mph in the mountains.  Wait until you see the temps and wind chills. 

December 23 Wind Advisory and High Wind Warning


Wind Chill Advisory and Warning 

Many urban and metro areas may reach from 0 to -20ºF at times Friday and Saturday.

The high mountains over 2,000 Ft may reach wind chills (at times) as low as -70ºF. That is an official NWS alert!

December 23 Wind Chill Advisory and Warning


Arctic Front

The transition will be the worst part. Rain will turn to snow for most. It may only last a half hour to up to 2 hours.  The total may be just a dusting up to 1 inch (with more in the mountains).  But simply having a wet ground as temps drop into the lower 20s and teens within an hour or two is why I have been pushing for caution. 

Timing and Travel

The timing of the arrival has been speeding up, which is to be expected with such a deep and dense air mass. This will be in the morning and reaching the coast by noon. If you are concerned about travel, I would simply say wait this out.  Let this pass through in the morning, and then just deal with the strong winds and bitter cold later in the day. The sun may actually come out.

Winter Travel Profiles

My initial goal for these graphics were to show snow variability. But in this case, the timing of the arctic front may help.  Note that STRONG WINDS will persist AFTER the front passes. 

I-95 – Mid Atlantic Cities

This is for travel between Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia.




This is for travel between Annapolis and Ocean City in Maryland. The Bay Bridge is likely to have restrictions due to the wind late morning and the rest of the day.



Western Maryland I-70 to I-68

Please compare my timing to the model simulation below.

December 23 Profile Flash Freeze Maryland


Radar Simulation NAM 3Km Model 

Friday 5 AM to 2 PM

I have single individual time stamps below.

December 23 snow flash freeze Friday radar


Temperature Timeline —> Slider 

It’s been a while since I posted one of these, but I figured it would be easier for you to scan the timing by swiping left and right to see when the Freezing Line is expected to pass near you AND how quickly temps will drop!


previous arrow
next arrow
previous arrow
next arrow


Wind Chill

It will start feeling like the single digits to well below zero!

December 23 storm temperatures wind chill Friday 12 PM


Wind Gusts

At this point the front is off the coast, and winds will continue to gust and pulse the rest of the day!

December 23 storm wind gust Friday 12 PM


Let’s Back Up For The Fropa (Frontal Passage)

The reason for added moisture behind the front will be an attempt for Low Pressure to form along the front.  I’ve plotted where it may play out. Please consider a buffer of an hour earlier or later than shown here, to allow for model error. 

If this happens sooner, it may enhance the snow a little longer.  That is why I gave the wide range of snow falling between 30 minutes and 120 minutes. 

9 AM

December 23 winter storm snow Friday 9 AM


10 AM

December 23 winter storm snow Friday 10 AM

11 AM

December 23 winter storm snow Friday 11 AM


12 PM

December 23 winter storm snow Friday 12 PM


1 PM

December 23 winter storm snow Friday 1 PM

Late Afternoon 


These are the EXPECTED readings on the thermometers. Even if this is over zealous and off by 5 degrees, this IS still VERY COLD!

December 23 storm temperatures Friday 4 PM


Wind Chills

December 23 storm wind chill Friday 4 PM

 7-Day Forecast 

We remain in the Deep Freeze through the Christmas Weekend. If you are going to the Ravens home game in Baltimore on Saturday, wear all the clothes you have!

Slow moderation next week back to seasonal temps at the end of next week. 

December 22 weather storm freeze wind chill Christmas 7 day


In Case You Missed It:

In my prior report I answered two common questions about this event. Both will be validated over the next few days.

What is a Bomb Cyclone?

In short, a storm is low pressure, and a deeper storm has lower numbers of atmospheric pressure we measure in millibars (mb).  When a storm gets stronger, the mb are lower numbers, which we say are ‘dropping’.

A Bomb Cyclone is defined as a storm dropping more than 24 mb in 24 hours, or more than 1 mb per hour for a day.  See my report here for the maps that prove this.

What is a Flash Freeze?

This is when arctic air arrives and turns wet pavement to ice. We expect temperatures to drop midday Friday. The challenge is if pavement will remain wet as the temps drop, to allow ice to form on roads.  Or, will the cold wind evaporate that wet pavement, drying up before it has a chance to freeze.



Faith in the Flakes Gear


What is Faith in the Flakes?

It began with my son in 2009

December 5th Snow In Baltimore And The Start Of Faith In The Flakes FITF




SNOWSTIX – Available Now


STEM Assemblies/In School Fields Trips Are Back

Click to see more and ‘Book’ a visit to your school

My Winter Outlook: Not A Typical La Niña!

I see many factors to support colder influence with multiple systems. Early and later in winter. Check it out.

Winter Outlook 2023 For Snow Not Typical La Niña Plus Polar Vortex Disruption



Also See The Winter Outlook Series:

Atmospheric Memory Suggests Active Winter Storm Pattern Outlook


Winter Outlook 2023 From NOAA Very Different Than Farmers Almanacs

Farmer’s Almanac Comparison

Winter Outlook 2023 Early Look At Snow From Two Farmers Almanacs

Triple Dip La Niña Winter

Winter Outlook 2023 La Niña Triple Dip Expectations



If you want a snowy winter, this is what you might want to look for in the rest of the tropical season. (You might be seeing a lot of commercial snow removal people out this Winter).

Record August For No Named Tropical Storms: Closer Look At Snow Following


Wooly Bear Caterpillars

Winter Weather Outlook From The Wooly Bear Caterpillar


Persimmon Seeds

Winter Weather Outlook: Persimmon Seeds And Snow Folklore


Click to see Top 20 and MORE

Winter Weather Folklore Top 20 And More Outlook Signals From Nature For Cold And Snow




Normals And Records: Maryland and Baltimore Climate History


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