Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 03/19/2025 05:40:03 pm


Mostly Cloudy


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (SE)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:10 AM

Sun Set

07:17 PM

Day Length

12:07 Hours


2 min 35 sec gain

Moon Rise

07:00 PM

Moon Set

09:25 AM

Next: Last Quarter

Mar 22,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Gibbous

Average Low



Average High
Record Low




Record High

September 29 Coastal Storm Brings Drizzle And Showers Then Second Summer By Sunday

Coastal Storm
Maryland Weather
climate data
rain timeline

September 29, 2023

Friday Morning Update

This will hopefully be the last time we have to talk about the Ghost of Ophelia. This coastal storm is getting a little extra burst of wind sending in more moisture today and tomorrow.

The better chance to get and stay wet will be near the Bay to the Beaches, mainly with drizzle and a few rain showers.

The wind flow from the North will keep us cool today, then gradually improve over the weekend.

The final push will be felt in the western areas on Saturday, then for the rest of the region by Sunday. This will bring us sunshine and warm many back to the 80s for a few days.

Note: The Harvest Super Moon was this morning. This is enhancing the higher tides and some shoreline flooding.


Morning Surface Weather

The remnant Low (ghost) of Ophelia has gained a little more strength. This is working with High Pressure in New England to funnel in moisture FROM THE EAST.

September 29 weather Friday morning


Wind Forecasts

The one difference I noticed was the wind direction. A slightly closer Low Pressure may result in winds more from the North as opposed to the Northeast. That could work in our favor to bring in less moisture.

Animation 8 AM to 10 PM

September 29 weather wind forecast Friday


High Tides In Annapolis

  • 5:29 AM
  • 5:57 PM

Find More Locations at Salt Water Tide Charts for Maryland


Radar Simulation 8 AM to 10 PM

September 29 weather radar rain forecast


Temperatures  at 4 PM

September 29 weather forecast temperatures Friday afternoon



Recent Reports

Oceans Calling Festival Forecast

Drought Report September 28

RE5PECT – Shirts and Hoodies

In case you missed it, my friends helped me make this tribute to Brooks Robinson. Proceeds will go to Boys and Girls Clubs of America. He played Little League with them in Little Rock before moving to Baltimore.

Click here or the image to get yours:

Sizes: T’s in Kids, Ladies(District), Unisex(Next Level), plus Hoodies (SportTek)!

RE5SPECT Brooks Robinson Shirts



TODAY September 29

Sunrise at 7:01 AM

Sunset at 6:53 PM

Normal Low in Baltimore:  54ºF

Record 38ºF in 1951

Normal High in Baltimore: 75ºF

Record 91ºF 1945


New Reports:

El Niño Advisory: First Look At NOAA’s Winter Outlook Expectations

Winter Outlook 2024 From Two Farmers Almanacs

Return to Cold and Snow


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The wind flow from the North and Northeast will be more pronounced by the Bay and to the Beaches.  We may end up with some breaks of sun in the morning and later in the afternoon, but there will be a period of clouds in the middle.

More likely to have drizzle and rain showers around Delmarva and the Beaches.



September 29 weather forecast temperatures Saturday morning


Wind Forecast

September 29 weather forecast wind Saturday afternoon



September 29 weather forecast temperatures Saturday afternoon


Looking Ahead: Jet Stream

Saturday to Thursday

After we can kick this trough off the coast, a ridge with High Pressure will build in a warmer wind.

September 29 weather jet stream October

Snapshot Monday, October 2

The ridge of High Pressure is what will bring in a warmer air mass for much of next week. It will lock in on Monday.

This may end up being our warmest day of the week, but it will remain nice.

September 29 jet stream October

7 Day Forecast

The improvement should be here on Sunday. The stretch of sunshine should last most of next week.

September 29 weather forecast 7 Day Friday


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Aurora Photos From Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia

Aurora Northern Lights April 23 Deep Creek Lake Maryland


Please share your thoughts and best weather pics/videos, or just keep in touch via social media



I am aware there are some spelling and grammar typos and occasional other glitches. I take responsibility for my mistakes and even the computer glitches I may miss. I have made a few public statements over the years, but if you are new here, you may have missed it: I have dyslexia and found out during my second year at Cornell University. It didn’t stop me from getting my meteorology degree and being the first to get the AMS CBM in the Baltimore/Washington region. One of my professors told me that I had made it that far without knowing and to not let it be a crutch going forward. That was Mark Wysocki, and he was absolutely correct! I do miss my mistakes in my own proofreading. The autocorrect spell check on my computer sometimes does an injustice to make it worse. I also can make mistakes in forecasting. No one is perfect at predicting the future. All of the maps and information are accurate. The ‘wordy’ stuff can get sticky.  There has been no editor who can check my work when I need it and have it ready to send out in a newsworthy timeline. Barbara Werner is a member of the web team that helps me maintain this site. She has taken it upon herself to edit typos when she is available. That could be AFTER you read this. I accept this and perhaps proves what you read is really from me… It’s part of my charm.