Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 01/08/2025 09:00:03 am


Partly Cloudy


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (W)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:25 AM

Sun Set

05:01 PM

Day Length

09:36 Hours


1 min 6 sec gain

Moon Rise

12:21 PM

Moon Set

01:55 AM

Next: Full Moon

Jan 13,2025

Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous

Average Low



Average High
Record Low



Record High

July 17 More Humid Today Severe Storms Monday Then Big Heat Wave Builds In

Maryland Weather
climate data

July 17 2022

Sunday Morning Update 

Before we get started, I want to say this is a very special day! Today is my wife Shannon’s Birthday. Not only is this important to our family, but it means we will be out in the building humidity with more possible storms. I may post an update or two, but my day is dedicated to spending time with her.

It is also really unique in the climate records… Which I highlighted below. 

Recapping The Rain

Saturday brought big rains to parts of our area, with the hardest hit in central Anne Arundel Couty.  Doppler radar has ‘estimated’ the amount of rain. It has been suggested that this is lower that what some have recorded, but does illustrate where the heavy led to flash flooding.

Anne Arundel County

This was due to a stalled boundary leading to repeating slow moving cells in the late afternoon and evening.

Between 3 and 5 Inches of rain fell around Crofton, Bowie, and Edgewater (top mark).

Annapolis had around 1 inch of rain as depicted here.


Mount Airy-Westminster

Storms in this area hit earlier in the day and erupted with plenty of lightning.

3 Inches Of Rain fell on the north side of Mount Airy.



Video: Sincere Sweet Sportsmanship 

This baseball game in Westminster led to a Tic-Tac-Toe game between teams in opposing dugouts.



This Morning


Satellite Loop 5:30 AM to 7:30 AM

More clouds and impulses to our west will be on the move. Expect more clouds to build and spark scattered storms today.




Afternoon Temperatures 


Radar Simulations

We are in the season with pop up storms that models can’t handle well. I mentioned this yesterday and we saw it play out.  Please take these maps as suggestions, but plan for more activity likely.

GFS Highlights a cluster to the west of Washington and Baltimore at 5 PM

The track will be to the east..



NAM 3Km 4 PM to Midnight 

This model is later with the storm cluster for metro areas – tonight. 

As we have seen many times, this produce may be slow… meaning we could expect development and arrival earlier than suggested here.

It still looks like the better chance for showers and storms will be later in the day.



TODAY July 17th


Record High and Low Set 1 Year Apart


Normal Low in Baltimore:  67ºF

Record 58ºF in 1987


Normal High in Baltimore: 88ºF

Record 101ºF 1988


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Monday Temperatures 





Radar Simulation

A much more active storm pattern for Monday. This has a greater risk for severe storms.  Stay tuned…




7 Day Forecast

The bigger storm day may be Monday. Then we watch HIGH HEAT during the week. This will be our first true heat wave of the summer. Each day can bring storms which can be very strong, but also isolated. 


Storm Reports (preliminary) : Tuesday July 12

Was there a tornado? Here are my reports.

Still no formal statement from The National Weather Service


July 12 Severe Storm Radar Scans: Was There A Tornado Or Not?


July 12 Storm Reports Pics And Videos