Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 01/28/2025 05:00:03 pm


Mostly Cloudy


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (WSW)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:16 AM

Sun Set

05:23 PM

Day Length

10:07 Hours


1 min 58 sec gain

Moon Rise

07:01 AM

Moon Set

04:24 PM

Next: New Moon

Jan 29,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Crescent

Average Low



Average High
Record Low




Record High

September 25 Severe Storm Risk This Afternoon

Maryland Weather
climate data
Severe Weather

September 25 2022

Sunday Morning Update 

The weather system moving through today has been pushing slightly warmer air in this morning along with a few light showers. The main impulse will be with a strong cold front this afternoon and evening. Storm timeline and live radar are below. 

It looks like a few rounds of storms will move through any time after 1 PM. They will come with the risk of damaging winds, large hail and even a tornado. So there may be a Watch issued for the region and or local warnings for individual cells. Outdoor plans may need a plan B approach to play it safe. 

Farther out we need to watch the progress of Tropical Storm Ian. It is expected to become a major hurricane before reaching Florida (the track keeps shifting west), then bring us heavy rain next weekend. 

Morning Temperatures 

Still cool this morning with most of the region in the 50s and under cloud cover.

Morning Surface Weather

A warm front is moving through with a line of showers right along the Maryland and Pennsylvania border. More rain on the north side with this initial impulse. Multiple lines of storms will form ahead of the cold front today which will expand into the rest of our region.


Severe Storm Risk From NOAA

Most of the region is under a risk for severe storms. To be considered Severe and warrant a Watch or Warning, storms must contain winds over 58 mph, hail over 1 inch in diameter, or even have an isolated tornado. Torrential downpours are possible but will be brief.  Lighting is a risk with any storm, even if not severe.



Radar and lighting display. The morning showers will be along the Maryland and Pennsylvania line with heavier cells over the mountains and north of the border.

The second push is likely after 12 PM.


Radar Simulation

Please note that this product has often been under estimating rainfall coverage, intensity, and slower/later than verifying.

HRRR Animation: 12 PM to 11 PM

We need to consider a risk for storms any time this afternoon… Especially after 2 PM in metro areas. This may linger through midnight on the Lower Eastern Shore.

Sunday September 25 radar severe storms


Timeline Slider—> HRRR Animation: 12 PM to 11 PM

This is the same as above with you controlling the snapshots.

Consider a buffer of around 1 hour earlier than shown. 

previous arrow
next arrow


Afternoon Temperatures


In Case You Missed It…

That Thing In The Saturday Evening Sky

Space X had a rocket launch and it was seen across the entire Mid Atlantic region.  This was the first video I was able to get uploaded to Facebook, and I realize many of you may have missed that. So here it is. I hope you get a chance to see the comments. There are numerous additional videos and photos, I lost count. But more are being added and its amazing to see both the different perspectives and reactions.



TODAY September 25

Normal Low in Baltimore:  55ºF

Record 35ºF in 1963

Normal High in Baltimore: 76ºF

Record 97ºF 1970


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When Is The Typical FIRST FROST?

Average Frost And Freeze Dates in Maryland and Pennsylvania



Monday Temperatures 



Tropical Storm Ian: Sunday Morning Update

Long Range Forecast For Ian

GFS Model

Thursday Afternoon to Sunday Evening

The track keeps shifting west, and the GFS is one of the farthest west. This adjustment still brings rain for us next Saturday, and now lingers it into Sunday.

Also note: We will be in a chilly air mass, so despite the remains of a tropical system, we should get a chilly rain.

Tropical Storm Ian Forecast Landfall Florida


7 Day Forecast

Most of next week will be dry and seasonal, trending cooler. Rainfall next weekend will depend on how Ian behaves. Slight adjustment to the track up to landfall will determine how strong and how much moisture it can push inland. 




If you want a snowy winter, a busy tropical season AFTER a quiet August has done it before.

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