Saw an interesting sky event last Wednesday 9-20 and again on 9-21 and want to know if you know any info. Out in yard at 9AM beautiful day with clear blue sky- noticed in both the east and west sky where white lines (like contrails) equal distant apart. In the east a jet was just finishing the top one. Had heard on Fox News that there is an idea to make clouds that block the sun therefore keeping temperature down so I had that thought but moved on to something else. Outside on deck hour later watering and noticed that the lines were getting wider and growing together- not like jet contrails that disappear. Back out on deck hour later weeding and noticed the white had come together and looked like cloud cover – now this caught my attention so watched thru out day and cloud cover increased but did not look like normal clouds (marshmellow look) but seemed more grainy and some where getting a darker color. Also noticed that the sun was being partially blocked but not like when shade is made by regular clouds when it gets darker and then lighter but more of a unnatural hue. Sort of weird. On Thurs 9/21 more contrails in the morning – with same result of clouds – adding to ones we already had. On Fri, did not see contrails but the same result of weird light. Now…..my children think I have lost my mind (they are in an office all day) and I could have! But – thought it worthy of checking with you about the cloud making theory and is it now happening. I live in Ijamsville MD just east of Frederick right near I70. I do have concerns………….(1)contrails are just water vapor I think and don’t stay long so is there a chemical used in these made clouds that I saw to make them linger and produce cloud cover? If so, what happens when we all inhale this stuff? (2) what happens to vegetation when sun is artifically blocked and can’t produce photo synthesis and (3) what kind of sun rays will penetrate these clouds – only the bad ones or are they blocked. As you can see I am hardly a scientist and some of this knowledge goes back to high school – and I’m now 82. My concern is fooling with Mother Nature which I cannot think is a good thing – especially if done in secret and is harmful to the populations health. If I am delusional as my children think – please tell me that all is OK and I will go back to my gardening and be sorry for wasting your time! Many of these climate change ideas are truly crazy and harmful to nature and people – common sense leads to questioning these ideas especially if dangerous.