Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 03/16/2025 03:10:03 pm




Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (SE)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:15 AM

Sun Set

07:14 PM

Day Length

11:59 Hours


2 min 34 sec gain

Moon Rise

09:48 PM

Moon Set

08:08 AM

Next: Last Quarter

Mar 22,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Gibbous

Average Low



Average High
Record Low




Record High

Record Heat Around Washington While Snow Falls With Blizzard Warnings Around Los Angeles

climate data
Record Weather
Winter Weather

Thursday February 23 2023

The weather is weird. Yes, that is my professional meteorological statement to lead off this report.  I truly was not sure which was more weird, getting to the 80s in February around Washington DC while snow is forecast in just less than two days, or the actual snow falling around Los Angeles with Blizzard Warnings in effect for Southern California into the weekend. I know this sounds like a scene from the movie The Day After Tomorrow, but this is not the End Times. Just weird!

February 23 record heat and Los Angeles snow


The two feet of snow in Minnesota and ice storm around Detroit are almost afterthoughts.

Well, I will start and finish with our local Mid Atlantic weather, but I must give more than a nod and context to the LA (County) Blizzard.  It has happened before.


Record Heat

I began to suggest we could get this record last week. I know this is not as glamorous as a snow forecast, and it will not erase the lack of winter events this winter, but today’s temperatures should not have been a surprise.

The shock is that for Baltimore, it broke the old mark set back in 1874. That was 149 years ago.

Baltimore reached 79ºF. However, the all time warmest day for the month was 83ºF on February 25, 1930. So, we have had ‘more heat’ before. Just a very long time ago, but it is rare indeed.

February 23 weather high record temperatures Thursday


National Weather Service Statement

Washington DC did reach the 80s, breaking the mark from that same date in Baltimore.

record warm temperatures NWS Washington


Chesapeake Bay Breeze

Normally a new record high temperature in February would just be ‘warm’ but it was actually hot.. for some… away from the water. The Chesapeake Bay is currently 53ºF, so nearby areas were held back in the 60s.  This included Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, coastal Baltimore County, and near Annapolis.

February 23 temperatures Maryland Bay



All Time February Records In North Carolina

There are too many to mention in this report, but I wanted to share one more info-graph from NWS in Raleigh, NC.

Record Warm NWS Raleigh North Carolina


Friday Flip

Temps will be noticeably colder in the morning. This is the next phase that will lead to some snow on Saturday. I will get to that in a moment.

February 23 weather temperatures Friday morning



Snow In Los Angeles Today Then More On The Way

Hollywood Sign

This video captured my attention and the essence of the weather. Palm Trees and The Hollywood Sign blurred by falling snow.

The snow levels were lower than projected, but in the mountains above 3,000 Ft in elevation there was stickage!  Again, more is on the way…


Context: Snow From 1949

I am showing this photo of snow long ago, because it was the winter of 1949 to 1950 when Baltimore had its ONLY winter with UNDER 1 inch of snow (0.7”). Sounds similar to this season.


Thursday Evening Weather

A COLD STORM PATTERN is locked along the Pacific Coast.  This will send another Winter Storm into southern California Friday and Saturday.

February 23 weather storm California snow

Blizzard and Winter Storm Warnings

These include the mountains of Southern California (also surrounding Las Vegas).

February 23 blizzard warning snow storm California


National Weather Service San Diego Concern

A winter storm is serious for any region, but it seems the rarity here has promoted this statement from San Diego of all places!


Blizzard Warning San Diego



Storm Forecast Animation

ECMWF Model: Friday Morning to Sunday Morning

This is the winter storm that will slam into California on Friday.

February 23 winter storm snow California


Back East: Colder AND A Little Snow

Repeat: Temperatures Friday Morning

The leading edge of colder air will be here in the morning.

February 23 weather temperatures Friday morning


Wind Forecast: 7 AM to 7 PM

Strong winds from the Northwest will bring the reality check back in, holding temps near average into the afternoon.

february-24 wind forecast-friday


Wind Forecast Snapshot

While winds will average 10 to 20 mph, we will have gusts to 30 mph. After near 80ºF today, it will definitely FEEL Chilly!

February 24 wind forecast Friday

Saturday Morning Temperatures

Notice that the freeze will reach through Maryland with 20s in Baltimore to near 30ºF in Salisbury and Ocean City.

This will be roughly 50 DEGREES COLDER than Thursday Afternoon!

February 25 weather saturday temperatures


Snow Forecast

This is more for ambience and contrast to what we just had.  Not a pop up storm.

This is the more aggressive GFS Model. It is taking a jet stream with a little convergence aloft to bring a band of snow into central and southern Maryland on Saturday.

Snow Forecast Saturday


Saturday Snapshot GFS

This model has been the most aggressive and overdone much of this winter. I wanted to show the worst case scenario to start to make this point: The bulk is expected between 8 AM to 2 PM. If that verifies, it will be fighting the residual warm ground AND day sun angle. Stickage will be limited to the grass at best.

February 23 weather forecast snow Saturday GFS


Saturday Snapshot ECMWF

This model may be a little underdone. It keeps the SPLIT FLOW with southern Maryland getting a band of light snow or flurries, then another across metro New York. Again, challenged by the warm ground and daytime sun angle.

February 23 weather forecast snow Saturday ECMWF


Take Away:

Wild weather has been documented throughout our relative short 150 years of weather records. There are many examples but the most dramatic was this:

  • Year: 1967
  • Feb 2 – Record High = 71ºF
  • Feb 7 – Record Snow= 10.1”

When I was researching this, it became evident that the extreme warmth here in the east all winter, and the extreme snow and cold in the Western US have occurred before. That does not take away the rarity. It may, however, bring some comfort that we will not be fighting off wolves on top of 50 foot frozen tidal waves in New York City.  That movie was fiction but I am sure it will be referenced many more times over the next few days.

I have been anticipating a pattern change all winter that has not happened. My concern remains that the end of La Niña will allow that shift just in time for our spring to end up cooler.


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Trivia: Has there been a Winter with NO Snow?


However, there was one winter with UNDER 1” in 1949 to 1950


Also See:

Winter History: Low Snow And Late Starts

See my research based on Baltimore data since 1883.


STEM Assemblies/In School Fields Trips Are Back

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Normals And Records: Maryland and Baltimore Climate History

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