Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 01/15/2025 02:40:03 pm


Mostly Sunny


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (WNW)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:24 AM

Sun Set

05:08 PM

Day Length

09:44 Hours


1 min 26 sec gain

Moon Rise

07:04 PM

Moon Set

08:49 AM

Next: Last Quarter

Jan 21,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Gibbous

Average Low



Average High
Record Low




Record High

March 30 Windy Morning Then Storms Start Warm Weekend

Maryland Weather
climate data
rain timeline

March 30, 2023

Thursday Morning

Today is the start of Major League Baseball season and the weather will be catching back up to spring shortly. Today, however will be windy! The Orioles will be in Boston where strong winds and temperatures near 40ºF with wind chills in the 30s will not feel pleasant. The Nationals will have a home start and a nicer set up as local winds will be easing later in the day.

Wind Restrictions On Local Bridges

This morning, we have strong winds gusting to 30 mph. As a result, wind restrictions are in place for local bridges.

  • Bay Bridge
  • Tydings Bridge
  • Key Bridge
  • Hatem Bridge

March 30 wind forecast Thursday morning

Wind Forecast 8 AM to 8 PM

The strongest winds will be this morning, then easing to near calm this afternoon.

March 30 wind forecast

Morning Surface Weather

A strong cold front was responsible for a snow squall line that crossed the Great Lakes from New York to Maine overnight. This is the leading edge of a cooler air mass, and the reason we have strong winds this morning.

The winds will remain an issue in Boston for the Orioles season opener. Locally, the winds will ease to near calm for the Nationals.

March 30 weather Thursday morning


Morning Temperatures

A chilly start, and reminder there will be gusty winds to start today.

March 30 weather temperatures thursday morning


Afternoon Temperatures

It will be a cooler day, but we will warm this weekend.

March 30 weather temperatures Thursday afternoon


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TODAY March 30

Normal Low in Baltimore:  38ºF

Record 21ºF in 1887

SNOW:2.6” in 2003

Normal High in Baltimore: 60ºF

Record 89ºF in 1998


Winter 2023 Recap: My BUSTED Snow Outlook


La Niña Has Ended. El Niño May Return By Fall


Rain Forecast Friday Noon to 10 PM

Rain will be developing in the afternoon. Best guess for metro areas is to get the rain arriving between 3 PM and 5 PM, then lasting all evening. While this may appear to break up at night, there will be more rain returning later to Saturday morning.

March 30 weather rain forecast Friday


Snapshot at 3 PM

The leading edge of the rain may reach metro areas between 3 PM and 5 PM.

March 30 weather rain Friday morning



Friday Morning

March 30 weather temperatures Friday morning


Friday Afternoon

We will warm up significantly, until the rain arrives.

March 30 weather temperatures Friday afternoon


Saturday Rain/T’Storm?

This is worth watching: A strong cold front may produce a line of thunderstorms early in the morning. This will be followed by very strong winds and a warm up. We may need to watch for Wind Alerts for this event.

March 30 weather rain forecast Saturday morning



Radar Simulation 6 AM to 2 PM

March 30 weather rain forecast Saturday


7 Day Forecast

March 30 weather forecast 7 day


STEM Assemblies/In School Fields Trips Are Back

Click to see more and ‘Book’ a visit to your school


Please share your thoughts, best weather pics/videos, or just keep in touch via social media




I am aware there are some spelling and grammar typos, and occasional other glitches. I take responsibility for my mistakes, and even the computer glitches I may miss.

I have made a few public statements over the years, but if you are new here you may have missed it:

I have dyslexia, and found out during my second year at Cornell University. It didn’t stop me from getting my meteorology degree, and being first to get the AMS CBM in the Baltimore/Washington region. One of my professors told me that I had made it that far without knowing, and to not let it be a crutch going forward. That was Mark Wysocki and he was absolutely correct!

I do miss my mistakes in my own proofreading. The autocorrect spell check on my computer sometimes does an injustice to make it worse. I also can make mistakes in forecasting. No one is perfect predicting the future.

All of the maps and information are accurate. The ‘wordy’ stuff can get sticky. 

There has been no editor that can check my work when I needed it and have it ready to send out in a newsworthy timeline. Barbara Werner is a member of the web team that helps me maintain this site. She has taken it upon herself to edit typos, when she is able. That could be AFTER you read this.

I accept this and perhaps proves what you read is really from me…

It’s part of my charm.