Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 03/20/2025 07:00:03 pm


Cloudy with Thunderstorms


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (WNW)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:09 AM

Sun Set

07:18 PM

Day Length

12:09 Hours


2 min 35 sec gain

Moon Rise

12:53 AM

Moon Set

10:01 AM

Next: Last Quarter

Mar 22,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Gibbous

Average Low



Average High
Record Low




Record High

Philadelphia Shaking: Game 3 Home Runs Registered On Seismograph

fun stuff

November 2, 2022

Game 3 of the World Series was delayed for rain on Halloween in Philadelphia.

The weather was not a factor when it was played, so why cover it on a weather website? Because on Tuesday night, 45 thousand people showed up at Citizens Bank Park for a record performance that rocked so loud, it was measured on the Richter Scale! Well, sort of…

The USGS did NOT record an earthquake, but a local seismograph measured the ground shaking from the stadium!

The Phillies won the game 7-0, with a record tying 5 home runs. However, they are the first team to hit 5 home runs in the FIRST 5 INNINGS of a World Series game.


This Seismograph Tweet was a HOAX and I was duped! It made people happy and no harm was done, but it was not real!

 I am leaving the original article in place and providing a follow up explanation in a new report here. This is in the effort of due diligence, obligation to truth, and full disclosure. I take that seriously. I own my mistake here and hope this example can be follow by more media outlets.


The first two of them by Bruce Harper and Alec Bohm got the crowd so engaged, the Penn State University seismograph noticed:


Here are those home runs:

First Inning: Bryce Harper

The announcer said, “Lightning Strikes”


Second Inning: 

Alec Bohm hit a line drive over the left field wall for his first post season home run.  This tweet tells the story and didn’t realize the impact of that noise. 


Kicked Off With A Bang!

His home run was the 1000th home run in World Series history. 



The Phillis lead the series 2 to 1.



Here’s another look at the Penn State Seismograph from




Next Up

Game 4 is tonight and the weather will remain unseasonably mild and pleasant. 

If lightning strikes again, it will be from the ground up. 


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