Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 01/22/2025 02:10:03 pm


Mostly Sunny


Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind ()


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:20 AM

Sun Set

05:16 PM

Day Length

09:56 Hours


1 min 44 sec gain

Moon Rise

01:10 AM

Moon Set

11:26 AM

Next: New Moon

Jan 29,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Crescent

Average Low



Average High
Record Low




Record High

October 12 One More Cool Damp Day Then Big Warm Up


Tuesday October 12

It’s still there. That Low Pressure off of the coast is not strong, but strong enough to help that easterly flow holding our clouds in place. The result will bring in some spotty drizzle and showers while holding temps down.

Tomorrow High Pressure will take full control, allowing the sun to pop out and temps to pop up. A few very warm days on the way, then a return to Fall this weekend. 

Morning Surface Weather

Surface winds just enough from the Atlantic to hold clouds in place. This will keep drizzle and some showers around today.


Radar Simulation

The best chance for a ‘spritz’ will be around the Bay and across Delmarva. 





Morning Temperatures 

We still have the humid, late summer feel to the air.



Afternoon Temperatures

Note: Our local ‘Offical’ recording station at BWI tends to be warmer than models and surroundings. 



Weather Almanac: Climate Data


This info and current weather maps (temps, wind, radar)

are available with constant updates on the Home Page

Also in the Current Conditions tab on the right…


TODAY October 12

Normal Low in Baltimore:  47ºF

Record 29ºF in 1964


Normal High in Baltimore: 69ºF

Record 89º F 1954


Also See:

Sweating Weather To Sweater Weather


Temperatures Wednesday 






Looking Ahead: Storm Animation

Temps will jump with sunshine over the next few days.  Highs reach into the 80s, and we may challenge a record high on Friday at BWI.  

Saturday brings in a cold front, with a line of storms during the afternoon. This will be followed by the most dramatic cool down of the seasons so far…




7 Day Forecast







Maryland Trek Gear



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