Tools to help you calculate wind chill, including the exact mathematical formula.
Interactive Wind Chill Widget
Official Wind Chill is calculated using the observed sustained wind speed, not the gust. But that peak gust will make you feel even colder.
From the user, we are given an air temperature (T) and a wind speed (Windsfc). In order to calculate the Wind Chill, the temperature must be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F).
To find out how to convert the temperature, see the link below:
Temperature Conversion
Also, in order to calculate the Wind Chill, the wind speed must be converted to miles per hour (mph).
To find out how to convert the wind speed, see the link below:
Wind Speed Conversion
Then, the Wind Chill can be calculated using this formula:
WindChill = 35.74 + (0.6215 × T) − (35.75 × Wind0.16) sfc + (0.4275 × T × Wind0.16) sfc
Because the user might need the Wind Chill in Watts per meter squared m2 , it can (W) be calculated using an air temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) and a wind speed in meters per second s : (m)
WindChill = (12.1452 + 11.6222 × √Windsfc − 1.16222 × Windsfc) × (33 − T)