Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 01/23/2025 04:20:02 pm


Mostly Cloudy

Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (WSW)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:19 AM

Sun Set

05:17 PM

Day Length

09:58 Hours


1 min 47 sec gain

Moon Rise

02:13 AM

Moon Set

11:55 AM

Next: New Moon

Jan 29,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Crescent

Average Low



Average High
Record Low


Record High

September 12 Thursday Evening Storm Timeline Then Cooler

Record Weather

Thursday September 12 2019

The heat jumped thermometers into the mid 90s in central Maryland this afternoon. The record for Baltimore of 96ºF was set back in 1931and just tied at BWI.  This station has been running hot for a few months, but we have to go with it. Now it’s time for the heat to leave, and the colder air from the north will be bringing in some storms this evening.  This time Friday most of the region will be in the mid 60s to barely 70ºF.

Record High At BWI

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The cold front on the way will be bringing the showers and storms from north to south

Radar Loop

The main line in PA is where most of the evening activity for us will be coming from. But there have been some showers popping in Maryland in the last hour. These are all moving to the south-southeast.


Doppler Radar

The added complication today is an error with the Doppler Radar in Sterling, VA. There has been extra clutter or debris clogging the field at lower levels.  So sorting through into the real storm cells is like Finding Waldo at times.

There has been some action north of Frederick and in Southern Carroll County near Eldersburg. These cells are dropping south. Frederick City and Howard County will be in on that action in the next hour.


Radar Simulation–> slider

The Maryland activity on radar at 4 PM was not showing up on the model. Please use this just a potential showing the bulk of the action near the Bay from PA, but inland activity growing west of the Bay this evening. The main focus here is the the movement rather than the clustering. If you watch your local radar, look to your north and Northwest for what is heading hour way.

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Temperature Change Friday

You may or may not fully notice the change in the morning. Temperatures will be down into the 60s, but during that morning that is still somewhat mild for mid September.



The wind will be picking up from the east and northeast.  The steady wind will be 10 to 20 mph, but growing gusts over 30 mph.

That is a cool flow from the Atlantic that will hold temps in place AND likely add to cloud cover. Some showers will linger during the day as well.


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Midday and Afternoon high temperatures will not move much





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Thank you to our Title Sponsor for Maryland Trek 6

Shining on with Smyth and their contribution, our team has raised over $95,000 for Just In Power Kids to provide free programs for kids in and post cancer treatment.



Maryland Trek Cycle Jerseys From Hill Killer

All proceeds will go to the Maryland Trek 6 total and Just In Power Kids programs


Just In Power Kids:

Proceeds go to our programs Providing FREE holistic care for kids in cancer treatment and up to 5 years post treatment and caregivers.


Shine On

Proceeds from all sales go to Just In Power Kids. Click the image to shop and show your support.



Love Maryland Shirts and Hoodies

This shirt was designed by my ‘bonus’ daughter Jaiden. The hoodie has been the biggest hit, so our promotion has been extended until the end of this week. 


Order Here

Show your love for Maryland and make this 14 year old artist and her mom extra proud



Related Links:


Was Your County Not Included?

Click this map for more on the regional forecast zones

Also see: Atmospheric Memory Of Hurricanes Over Thousands Of Years Shaped The Coast


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