Conditions: Baltimore, Maryland, 01/27/2025 10:50:03 pm




Dew Point
Relative Humidity


Feels Like


Wind (N)


Air Pressure


Sun Rise

07:17 AM

Sun Set

05:21 PM

Day Length

10:04 Hours


1 min 54 sec gain

Moon Rise

06:15 AM

Moon Set

03:13 PM

Next: New Moon

Jan 29,2025

Moon Phase

Waning Crescent

Average Low



Average High
Record Low



Record High

Tropical Storm Warning In Maryland For Hurricane: Dorian Wind and Waves Forecast


Thursday September 5 2019

Hurricane Dorian is back to a Category 2 storm with 110 mph winds. It is cutting within 50 miles of the South Carolina coast this afternoon and still expected to make landfall in North Carolina. The size of the storm’s expanded wind field is why a Tropical Storm Warning has been expanded into southern Maryland. While conditions will impact parts of the Chesapeake Bay, the wind direction is critical for water impact. See the local forecast maps for wind and waves below.

Hurricane Dorian IR Satellite Loop

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Hurricane Dorian Visible Satellite

Yes, the clouds in Maryland today are from the hurricane. But we have not het seen the impacts yet.

Hurricane Dorian Headlines:

  • Hurricane force winds reach 60 miles from the center
  • Tropical Storm force winds reach 195 miles from the center
  • Center is 50 miles ESE of Charleston, SC, likely to make landfall in NC
  • Navy ships left Norfolk, VA to ride out the storm in the ocean
  • Impact for Ocean City highest on Friday: Winds at least gusting 40 to 60 mph
  • Watches also posted for Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard in New England

Tropical Storm and Hurricane Warnings

Tropical Storm Conditions expected in Maryland include:  Ocean City, Salisbury, Cambridge, and St. Mary’s City.

Weather Risks:

  • Winds over 39 mph
  • Coastal flooding
  • Heavy rain bands
  • Potential tornadoes

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A Storm Surge Warning is in effect for...
* Edisto Beach SC to Poquoson VA
* Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds
* Neuse and Pamlico Rivers
* Hampton Roads

A Hurricane Warning is in effect for...
* Savannah River to the North Carolina/Virginia border
* Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds

A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for...
* North Carolina/Virginia border to Fenwick Island DE
* Chesapeake Bay from Drum Point southward
* Tidal Potomac south of Cobb Island
* Altamaha Sound GA to Savannah River

A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for...
* Woods Hole to Sagamore Beach MA
* Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard MA



Afternoon Winds

Winds at 3 PM were from the Northeast. Closer to Dorian they are from the east and increase in coastal North Carolina to the 30 mph range.


Wind Forecast Maps

Tracking Hurricane Dorian with the strongest local winds on Friday. Watch the direction change as it passes by.

Coastal Wind Forecast –> slider


Local Wind Forecast –> slider

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Chesapeake Bay Wind Forecast

Friday morning: The wind direction from the Northeast. This what will slosh water to the western and southwestern part of the Bay. If there is some Bay flooding, this would be the time.

Speed on the Bay 15 to 25 mph with gusts over 30 mph

Ocean City winds from the Northeast 25 mph and higher


Friday Afternoon: Winds shift from the north. This will help drain water out of the Bay, but along the way water will be high in St. Mary’s County towards Norfolk.

Wind speed 20 to 35 mph with higher gusts

Ocean City winds from the Northeast 30 to 40 mph and higher

Midnight: Winds from the Northwest and high lighter on the Bay. Coastal winds will shift offshore and ease as well


Waves Forecast —> slider

Also see: Atmospheric Memory Of Hurricanes Over Thousands Of Years Shaped The Coas

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Thank you to our Title Sponsor for Maryland Trek 6

Shining on with Smyth and their contribution, our team has raised over $95,000 for Just In Power Kids to provide free programs for kids in and post cancer treatment.





Please share your thoughts, best weather pics/video, or just keep in touch via social media


Maryland Trek Cycle Jerseys From Hill Killer

All proceeds will go to the Maryland Trek 6 total and Just In Power Kids programs


Just In Power Kids:

Proceeds go to our programs Providing FREE holistic care for kids in cancer treatment and up to 5 years post treatment and caregivers.


Shine On

Proceeds from all sales go to Just In Power Kids. Click the image to shop and show your support.



Love Maryland Shirts and Hoodies

This shirt was designed by my ‘bonus’ daughter Jaiden. The hoodie has been the biggest hit, so our promotion has been extended until the end of this week. 


Order Here

Show your love for Maryland and make this 14 year old artist and her mom extra proud



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